
How Much an Average Wedding Cost in Australia

Are we hearing the wedding bells? We are excited for you and we hope the big day is to be decided soon. Have you made a budget or do you know How Much an Average Wedding Costs in Australia? If not, then do not need to panic, it is not the cost of the Queenā€™s palace, but still expensive. You must ensure there is no ā€œunwantedā€ expense that adds the extra dollars to the already big number. Let us say you chose a city, say Melbourne, and then hiring a wedding celebrant in Melbourne can help.

What is it and how you can just keep the beautiful day in a budget? We will get to know all of it, right here!Ā 

Wedding Cost Managed Better With Wedding Celebrant in Melbourne

Without waiting, let us give you the average number that you can have for a wedding in Australia. Guess what, this number is like the one where you can go a little lavish too. If you want to cut something out the number is bound to fall. However, give this budgeting task to your wedding celebrant in Melbourne, they always have a plan!Ā 

The average wedding in Australia, brace yourself, costs a whopping $36,000. Do not react! It is just an average, and you can always have a budget.Ā 

Where Does All the Money Go?Ā 

Every wedding has so many things and all demand money. Average Wedding Cost in Australia, if you see has major chunks and then some additions here and there. Let us see where this money goes.Ā 

The venue!!Ā 

A big part of your wedding budget will go to the venue. On average, couples in Australia spend about $15,000 on their perfect spot.Ā 

Why is that? It is because you have so many to choose from! Options range from:

  • Fancy hotelsĀ 
  • Beautiful vineyardsĀ 
  • Stylish city spaces.Ā 

As your wedding celebrant in Melbourne how to save money. May be you can onsider non-traditional venues like a local park or even a backyard party. You’d be surprised at how much you can save!

Food and Drink: Feed Me!

It is heavier on the wallet and than the stomach could fill. Yes, it takes a big part of your wedding, would you not feed the guests?Ā 

Feeding your guests usually costs around $10,000. This includes food, drinks, and sometimes even the cake. Speaking of the cake, have you ever thought about having a dessert buffet instead of a traditional wedding cake? Itā€™s a fun twist and can be easier on the wallet.

Dance the Night Away!

Music, dancing, and entertainment are crucial for setting the mood. On average, Aussie couples spend about $2,000 on entertainment. Whether you go for a DJ, a live band, or even a cleverly curated playlist, thereā€™s plenty of room to get creative.Ā 

Pro tip: some venues come with built-in sound systems which can save you from hiring additional equipment.

Flowers and Decorations

Florals and decor add that special touch of magic to your wedding, but they can also add up.Ā 

Expect to spend around $3,000 on flowers and decorations.Ā 

Want to save a bit here? DIY decorations and sourcing flowers locally or even growing your own can be a fun and economical alternative.

The Miscellaneous Must-Haves

Letā€™s not forget the miscellaneous must-haves, which include everything from invitations and transport to favours and the all-important marriage license.Ā 

These can easily add another $3,000 to your budget. One way to cut costs here is to go digital with your invitations or to create personalised favours instead of purchasing expensive ones.


You must take the help of your wedding celebrant in Melbourne. One of the best pieces of advice is ā€œSave Where You Can, Splurge Where It Mattersā€. The key to managing your wedding budget is simple: save where you can, and splurge where it matters most to you. For some, itā€™s all about the venue. For others, itā€™s the dress or the food. Prioritise whatā€™s important for your dream wedding and adjust your budget accordingly.


Tips to Plan Successful Wedding with Wedding Celebrant in Melbourne

Embarking on the journey of planning your wedding is an emotional rollercoaster, filled with excitement and cherished moments. One of the most crucial decisions during this journey is selecting the perfect wedding celebrant. Melbourne, known for its rich and diverse wedding culture, provides the ideal backdrop for your love story. In this heartfelt article, we will explore invaluable tips for planning a successful wedding with a wedding celebrant in Melbourne.

Tips to Plan a Successful Wedding with Wedding Celebrants in Melbourne

Planning a wedding is a journey filled with emotions, from the initial excitement to the cherished memories created on your special day, here is how you can plan a great one with wedding celebrants in Melbourne.

Handpick Your Perfect Celebrant

The emotional journey begins with choosing a celebrant who resonates with your unique love story. Melbourne’s diversity offers a plethora of celebrants, each with distinct personalities, styles, and backgrounds. Take your time to explore and meet several celebrants to find that perfect emotional connection.

Building an Emotional Connection

Building a strong emotional connection with your chosen wedding celebrant is pivotal for a heartfelt and successful wedding ceremony. Spend time sharing your love story, values, and dreams for the day. Your celebrant should be the one who understands and embraces the uniqueness of your relationship.

Crafting a Ceremony from the Heart

An emotional highpoint in this journey is the opportunity to create a ceremony that is exclusively yours. Collaborate with your celebrant to design a ceremony that encapsulates your beliefs, traditions, and personalities. Whether you desire a traditional ceremony, a themed wedding, or something completely unconventional, Melbourne’s compassionate celebrants can bring your dreams to life.

Embarking on the Planning Journey

The journey of wedding planning is an emotional one, with your celebrant playing a central role. Start planning well in advance, allowing you ample time to connect with your celebrant and fine-tune the details of your ceremony. Thoughtful planning will reduce stress, ensuring an unforgettable experience for you and your cherished guests.

Following the Path of Legal Requirements

Marriage ceremonies in Australia come with specific legal requirements. A qualified wedding celebrant will guide you through these steps, ensuring all legalities are met. An essential part of the emotional journey, this ensures your chosen celebrant is a registered marriage celebrant authorised by the Australian government.

Embracing Love in All Its Forms

Melbourne’s open and diverse culture makes it the perfect canvas for unique and emotional weddings. Whether you come from different cultural or religious backgrounds or wish to incorporate elements from various traditions, your celebrant should respect and honour your choices.

Heartfelt Vows – A Personal Touch

Writing your own vows is a deeply personal and emotional part of the wedding ceremony. With your celebrant’s guidance, you can craft vows that express your love and commitment. Your celebrant is your emotional support, helping structure your vows if needed.

Sharing Love with Family and FriendsĀ 

Involving friends and family in your ceremony adds an emotional touch to your day. Discuss with your celebrant how you can include loved ones, be it through heartfelt readings, meaningful music, or other touching gestures.

Practising Your Perfect Day

A successful wedding ceremony is one that is well-rehearsed. Practise your ceremony with your celebrant at the wedding location to familiarise yourselves with the space and ensure that everything flows smoothly.

Expert Guidance with Heartfelt Advice

Seasoned wedding celebrants in Melbourne have seen a wide range of ceremonies and can provide valuable advice on what works and what doesn’t. Rely on their expertise for guidance on ceremony flow, timing, and the extra touches that make your wedding day truly emotional and unforgettable.


A wedding celebrant is not just an officiant but a heartwarming co-creator of your special day. In Melbourne, a city that thrives on love and diversity, the role of a celebrant carries deep emotional significance. By choosing the right celebrant and following these heartfelt tips, you can ensure that your wedding ceremony is a true reflection of your love story and a cherished memory for both you and your loved ones. Savour every emotional moment of creating a unique and meaningful wedding ceremony with your chosen celebrant in Melbourne.